Cardiac Arrest


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Why cardiac arrest occurs?
In spite of all our care, still things can go wrong in any patient due to various reasons. Usually the patient intolerance to certain drug may result in a sudden undue depression of heart and stop it.
Sometimes patient poor general condition due to pre-existing diseases of various organs may also lead to cardiac arrest during surgery.
In such situations, the alert and vigilant Anaesthesiologist who is all the time with the patient monitoring him, will recognize it instantly and starts resuscitating ( it is resuscitation not resurrection) the patient immediately by doing certain recognized procedures including administration of many drugs and revive the heart.
Generally this will take hardly 20 to 30 seconds and rarely up to 1 minute and very rarely, if the patient systems are already damaged by diseases, may take a little longer time.


What will be the state of mind during the period when the person is dead?
This question may be modified as
What will be the feeling of the person during the period of Cardiac Arrest?
During General Anaesthesia, the person is already unconscious. So the person will have no awareness about the happenings.
  In other situations, the person becomes unconscious quickly when cardiac arrest occurs (Heart stops).
  For the sake of interest, there are some studies done on individuals who have been resuscitated from cardiac arrest during a heart attack, in which some of them have told that they were staying out of the body and witnessed the resuscitation process. No conclusions have been reached on this matter.
  VideoTo view the Management of Cardic Arrest Video Click Here
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