Conference Lectures
All over India anaesthesiologists work in three different setups, institutional, corporate & small nursing home setups. The management of patients differs in all these setups.
Types of anaesthesia practice
- Institutional
- Teaching institutes
- Charitable institutes
- Hospital based
- Corporate hospitals
- Small nursing home setups
- The approach of surgeons & anaesthesiologists do differ at these different
Types of compromises
- Institutional practice
- Accepting fitness certificate from physicians or other concerned specialists.
- Investigations of the patients may not be of anaesthesiologist’s choice
- Overcrowding of cases
- Time constraints
- Expertise of other specialists is to be accepted
- Resistance from other specialists for research work
- Selection of anaesthesia technique may be influenced by surgeons
- Procuring anaesthesia equipments is not always easy
- Has to modify technique on the basis of theatre conditions
- Recognition amongst laypeople is limited
- Limitations to practice other avenues of anaesthesiology like painless labor, intractable pain relief
- Hospital practice
- Accepting fitness certificate from physicians or other concerned specialists.
- Investigations of the patients may not be of anaesthesiologist’s choice
- Overcrowding of cases
- Time constraints
- Expertise of other specialists is to be accepted
- Resistance from other specialists for research work
- Selection of anaesthesia technique may be influenced by surgeons
- Procuring anaesthesia equipments is not always easy
- Has to modify technique on the basis of theatre conditions
- Recognition amongst laypeople is limited
- Limitations to practice other avenues of anaesthesiology like painless labor, intractable pain relief
- Monitory gains are limited
- Anaesthesia accidents are difficult to manage medically & socially.
- Irregular working hours
- Drug & equipment procuring is always a problem
- Has to leave patient without qualified post operative care
- Premedication may not be always of choice
- Modification of anaesthesia technique on pre. Intra & post operative availability of drugs, equipments & personnel.
Why anaesthesiologists have to compromise?
- Attitude of compromise
- Always tries to commit on safer side
- Reluctant to use newer modalities for the sake of savings
- Less tendency to invest
- Economical consideration always at top
- Stigma of dependency
- Can’t generate work on our own
- Unless there is pain, no work for us
- Consider surgeons as employer
- More importance given to comfort of surgeon
- Considers oneself as second-rate citizen of medical field
How we can change?
- Change the attitude
- Undergraduate education must include anaesthesia subject
- Post graduate training mindset has to change
- Most emphasis on preoperative optimization of the patient
- Pre-anaesthesia check up clinics must become preoperative optimization clinics
- Improve on perioperative care by taking periop wards under anaesthesiology
- Patient safety must dominate over economic constraints
- Coming out of stigma of dependency
- Diversify work outside OT
- Painless labor. Pain relief & intensive care by anaesthesiologists has to be promoted
- Invest your money, time & intelligence in improving anaesthesia care
- Improve awareness amongst laypeople about anaesthesiology.
- Improvement in anaesthesiologists’ fees
Changing the basic mindset of anaesthesiologists can only change the situation & many people have achieved success in this regards.