Abstracts / E- Posters
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research Chandigarh
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research Chandigarh
DrAnudeepJafra Prof SatinderGombarDrDheeraj Kapoor
CLMA has been used to secure airway in paediatric patients during general anaesthesia, however there are well known limitations. PLMA has higher oropharyngeal leak pressures with feasibility of PPV. This study was designed to compare the safety and efficacy of PLMA vs CLMA in children undergoing elective ambulatory procedures.
METHODS :After ethics committee approval, 100 children aged 6m to 10 years were randomly allocated to either group. General anaesthesia was induced with muscle relaxant. Depending on weight, device was chosen as per group allocation of patient. Primary outcome was OLP. Secondary outcomes were time and number of attempts for insertion, quality of airway, fibreoptic placement.
RESULTS :The mean OLP in PLMA (30.02 ± 3.21 cmH2O) was significantly higher than CLMA 21.62 ± 2.49 cmH2O. (p< 0.001). There was significant difference in time taken for insertion of PLMA vs CLMA 21.90 ± 4.93 seconds vs19.46 ± 5.99 seconds (p<0.05). In group I, all patients had an excellent quality of airway, while in II, 30(60%) patients had an excellent quality of airway(p<0.001). There was no significant difference in fibreoptic grading between groups.
CONCLUSIONS :The mean OLP in PLMA (30.02 ± 3.21 cmH2O) was significantly higher than CLMA 21.62 ± 2.49 cmH2O. (p< 0.001). There was significant difference in time taken for insertion of PLMA vs CLMA 21.90 ± 4.93 seconds vs19.46 ± 5.99 seconds (p<0.05). In group I, all patients had an excellent quality of airway, while in II, 30(60%) patients had an excellent quality of airway(p<0.001). There was no significant difference in fibreoptic grading between groups.