Abstracts / E- Posters
SumandeepVidyapeeth, Piparia, Vadodara.
Dr. Gunjanjain, Dr. Ashishtyagi, Dr. Hetalparikh, Dr. R.M. Upadhyaya
Awareness about advancement in anaesthesiology from history till date.
OBJECTIVE :Awareness about advancement in anaesthesiology from history till date.
Anaesthesia is a unique medical intervention which does not itself offer any particular medical benefit instead enables the performance of other medical interventions. The goals are traditionally described as unconsciousness, amnesia & analgesia & muscle relaxation. Types of anaesthesia are broadly classified into general anaesthesia, sedation & regional anaesthesia. In Europe, Asia & Americas a variety of solanum species containing potent tropanealkaloids were used for anaesthesia. In 1298, Theodoric of Lucca, used sponges soaked with opium &mandragora for surgical pain relief whereas now we have drugs & procedures for pain relief during & post- op surgery. In 1733, invasive arterial blood pressure measurement was described by using glass pipes into femoral arteries but the journey of advancement in anaesthesia had lead us in measuring arterial blood pressure by placing a catheter in peripheral artery which is attached to either an anaeroid manometer or electronic transducer. In 1744; John published an account of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to revive the apparently dead & now after so many years as we all know the program of ACLS and BLS for reviving the same. In 1856, laryngoscope was invented & it took 110 years i.e. in 1966 fibreoptic was introduced & in 2010 ultrasonography for intubation. The first spinal analgesia was administered in 1885 since then no doubt spinal anaesthesia is used regularly but it is advancing day by day. Not just these advancement but many more are their down the lane of anaesthesia. Keywords:Anaesthesia, Fiberoptic& Ultrasonography.