Abstracts / E- Posters
Intra-Op Detection Of Malignant Hyperthermia: A Case Report.
Background: Malignant hyperthermia (MH) carries a bad prognosis if
not identified and managed early. Non availability of Inj. Dantrolene Sodium, in case of unanticipated malignant
hyperthermia, causes difficulty in its management. Differential diagnosis of
malignant hyperthermia should be kept in mind in case of raised end tidal CO2
out of proportion to the clinical setting and triggering agent must not be given.
Method: A Case Report.
Result: A two year old girl child developed full blown features of malignant
hyperthermia following succinylcholine administration and was successfully
managed. The total MH Raw Score in our case was 96 and MH rank 6 i.e.
almost certain group.
Discussion: MH is a pharmacogenetic clinical syndrome that occurs
following exposure of certain precipitants such as volatile anaesthetic and/
or depolarizing muscle relaxants.The unanticipated raised end tidal CO2 is one of the earliest and most
sensitive indicator of MH.
Conclusion: Differential diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia should in
mind and triggering agent must not be given in such case, unless ruled out,
as in our case succinylcholine was given that aggravated the symptoms.
The incidence of malignant hyperthermia in India may not be as low as was
thought previously and cases are being reported from India also. So inj.
Dantrolene Sodium should be available in OT.
Background: Malignant hyperthermia (MH) carries a bad prognosis if not identified and managed early. Non availability of Inj. Dantrolene Sodium, in case of unanticipated malignant hyperthermia, causes difficulty in its management. Differential diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia should be kept in mind in case of raised end tidal CO2 out of proportion to the clinical setting and triggering agent must not be given.
Method:A Case Report.
Result:A two year old girl child developed full blown features of malignant hyperthermia following succinylcholine administration and was successfully managed. The total MH Raw Score in our case was 96 and MH rank 6 i.e. almost certain group.
Discussion:MH is a pharmacogenetic clinical syndrome that occurs following exposure of certain precipitants such as volatile anaesthetic and/ or depolarizing muscle relaxants.The unanticipated raised end tidal CO2 is one of the earliest and most sensitive indicator of MH.
Conclusion:Differential diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia should in mind and triggering agent must not be given in such case, unless ruled out, as in our case succinylcholine was given that aggravated the symptoms. The incidence of malignant hyperthermia in India may not be as low as was thought previously and cases are being reported from India also. So inj. Dantrolene Sodium should be available in OT.