Abstracts / E- Posters

anaesthetic implications in robotic surgeries

Dr. A Nagesh Kumar

Krishna Institute Of Medical Sciences

Dr.ANagesh Kumar Dr. Harshal,Dr.CNareshkumarreddy,Dr.Jayashree


Robotic-assisted surgery has evolved over the past couple of decades with constantly improving technology that assists surgeons in multiple subspecialty disciplines. The surgical requirements of lithotomy and steep Trendelenburg positions, along with pneumoperitoneum and lack of direct access to the patient all present challenges to anaesthetist in robotic surgery. Patient positioning requirements can have significant physiologic effects and can result in many complications.


This review focuses on the anesthetic /surgical implications of robot-assisted surgeries.The study was an observational study carried out at KIMS Hospital over 2yrs and the anaesthetic issues were reviewed.


The anaesthetic issues included patient positioning , pneumoperitonium, hypothermia , restricted acess, long duration of surgery, airembolism. Common complications include positioning injuries, upper body edema, cardiopulmonary compromise, and hypothermia.

CONCLUSIONS : We conclude that robotic-assisted procedures are associated with potentially serious complications due to steep Trendelenburg positioning, pneumoperitoneum, and difficult access to the patient. Hence a better knowledge & teamwork in robotic surgery have the potential to improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency, and reduce complications