Abstracts / Free Papers


Dr.Ajinkya Bhosle

Institute : BharatiVidyapeethUniversity,Pune

Authors : Dr.Ajinkya Bhosle, Dr.PoojaBhosle, Dr.ShubhadaAphale, Dr.Arunima Prasad

ABSTRACT : To evaluate epidural anaesthesia as a regional anesthetic technique that has a specific advantage in selective segmental blockage along with providing post-operative analgesia.

METHODS : A retrospective analysis of segmental epidural anaesthesia for abdominal surgeries in 30 patients was undertaken.The patients were within the age group of 26-70 years with 67% females.Upper abdominal surgeries included open cholecystectomy, epigastricherniarepair,pyelolithotomy, upper ureterolithotomy, duodenal perforation and lower abdominal surgeries like loop colostomies,umbilical and incisional hernia repairs with abdominoplasty were studied.Both routine (76.67%) and emergency (23.33%) cases were included into the study group. Patients with co-morbidities like diabetes mellitus,chronichypertension,respiratorydisease,muscular dystrophy were part of the study group. The epidural catheter was placed at a level appropriate for the surgery to be undertaken and segments required to be blocked. Local anesthetic (lignocaine and bupivacaine) dose was as per the weight of the patient with appropriate age related reduction in geriatric patients.

RESULTS : All patients were supplemented with oxygen.23.33% of the patients required sedation.23.33% developed hypotension which responded to IV fluids and vasopressors. 50% required post-operative epidural analgesia.In 23% of the patients in whom lower thoracic segments were blocked, none complained of any respiratory difficulty and showed lesser perioperative blood loss.

CONCLUSIONS : all our patients were operated under segmental epidural anaesthesia without any intraoperative complications.Thus, segmental epidural should be considered as a very good choice in patients with respiratory problems,muscular dystrophy or in the geriatric patients. The surgeries under segmental epidural anaesthesia have better outcome with surgeon’s and patient’s cooperation.