Abstracts / Free Papers
Regional anesthesia in orthopaedic procedures with severe muscular dystrophies.
Central neuraxial block and peripheral nerve block
RESULTS :Patients were succesfully managed without any cardiorespiratory compromise with uneventfullintraop and post op period
CONCLUSIONS :The MD provides an extraordinary challenge to the anesthesiologist. At a time when the role of general anesthetic agents can be questioned, regional anesthesia makes a great impact in these cases. The case series of severe MD were successfully managed by CNBs and PNBs. Central neuraxial blocks. - Epidural was the commonest technique utilized in patients with cardiomyopathy associated with MD.. Peripheral nerve blocks - PNBs have renowned advantage of haemodynamic and respiratory stability. The problems arise of neurostimulation and evoked responses. At the lowest acceptable current to inject the drug no motor responses were observed. Under ultrasound the muscles which form the anatomical landmarks are obscured because of fatty infiltration.