Abstracts / Free Papers

Primigravida with coarctation of aorta for caesarean section


Goa Medical College

DR ShailaKamat,DrNeethuBabu


Anesthetic management of a parturient with coarctation of aorta for caesarean section


We present the anaesthetic management of a primigravida with uncorrected aortic coarctation who was successfully delivered by elective caesarean section done under general anesthesia. Rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia performed with thiopentone and succinylcholine and maintained with nitrous oxide,sevoflurane, oxygen and fentanyl. Perioperative management focused on minimizing haemodynamic disturbance.


Successful outcome of the caesarean section with no maternal or fetal morbidity.


We reported a pregnant woman complicated with aortic coarctation who resulted in successful delivery without cardiovascular complication.The continuous haemodynamic monitoring of a primigravida with coarctation of aorta for LSCS is crucial.