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Ondansetron, orally disintegrating film versus intravenous injection for prevention of post operative nausea vomiting in middle ear and nasal surgeries- A randomized, placebo controlled trial

Dr Preetham c

S Nijalingappa medical college and HSK hospital

ABSTRACT s: Ondensetron is one of the most widely used drugs for postoperative nausea and vomiting(PONV) prophylaxis. We evaluated the efficacy of ondansetron orally disintegrating film (ODF) on the PONV in adult patients posted for ENT surgeries under monitored anaesthesia care.To evaluate whether these findings can be extrapolated to its use in day care ear and nasal surgeries.

METHODS : A randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled trial was conducted in Hanagal sri kumareshwara hospital and research center among 99 ASA-I or II patients scheduled for elective ENT surgery under monitored anesthesia care. The patients were randomized into three groups: ODF (ondanasetron 8 mg), intravenous (IV) (ondanasetron 8 mg) and Placebo. Each individual was assessed for postoperative nausea and vomiting, pruritis, pain at 0, 2, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h after surgery and need for rescue anti-emetic, analgesia consumption. Data is analyzed using SPSS, Kruskal wallis test followed by Mann whitney U test for two groups were used. For proportions chi-square test were used as applicable.

RESULTS : Data of 97 patients were analyzed, the occurrence of PONV was significantly lower (p<0.006) during 0-6hrs in IV when compared to placebo and also significantly lower (p<0.001) during 0-6hrs in ODF when compared to placebo. There is no significant difference between ODF and IV in reducing PONV.

CONCLUSIONS : Orally disintegrating ondansetron film is convenient well accepted and may be cost effective option for prophylaxis of PONV. It can be used as alternative for home prophylaxis against PONV after day care ENT surgeries.