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A Clinical Study to Compare the Efficacy of Pretreatment with Intravenous Granisetron And Intravenous Lignocaine to Alleviate Pain on PropofolInjection During General Anaesthesia

Dr Priyanka S

SSIMS & RC Davangere

BACKGROUND:Pain on injection of anaesthetic is an important cause of patient dissatisfaction and a recognised adverse effect of propofol. Pain during injection of propofol was ranked as seventh most important problem of current clinical anaesthesiology. Intravenous preservative free lignocaine is used for prevention of pain due to injection of propofol. Further, ondansetron a specific 5HT3 receptor antagonist with properties of a local anaesthetic has demonstrated to be effective in alleviating pain on propofol injection. However in this study, granisetron a higher congener was used to compare the efficacy.

METHODS:The study was conducted in 50 patients aged between 18 – 50 years scheduled to undergo elective surgery under general anaesthesia in S.S.HOSPITAL DAVANGERE.50patients were randomly allocated to two different groups of 25 each,of which 25 patients received lignocaine &other 25 received granisetron.Chisquare test & students t distribution was the method of analysis.

RESULT: based on our observation & data, it was seen that both lignocaine & granisetron were effective in alleviating pain on propofol injection.

DISCUSSION: In our study,distribution of age, sex difference, distribution of weight and ASA physical status between 2 groups arestatistically insignificant. Hence, demographic characteristics are similar andcomparable in both groups.Comparingdifference between two drug groups,pain during propofol injection was statistically insignificant.

CONCLUSION:granisetron 2 mg and lignocaine 30 mg are equally effective in alleviating pain of propofol injection.Granisetron has an added advantage of decreasing post operative nausea & vomiting.No significant hemodynamic changes were noted.