Abstracts / Free Papers
Audit of Post Operative ICU Admissions of Obstetric Cases
MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital
ABSTRACT : Pregnancy ,delivery and puerperium can be complicated by severe maternal morbidity requiring ICU admissions. Our aim was to assess the common causes and possible risk factors for ICU admission of obstetric cases and to highlight the measures to avoid or treat such complications to save the life of both mother and the new born.
METHODS : In this study all obstetric cases that were admitted to ICU post operatively during May 2012 - April 2013 and May 2013 - April 2014 were included. It is a retrospective study and the data was collected from ICU admission register and MRD. Common causes and possible risk factors were assessed from the data collected.
RESULTS : There were 32 ICU admissions out of 846 cases i.e 3.7 %. Most common reasons were PPH ( 40.6 % ) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy ( 40.5 % ). It was also observed that 84.3 % of cases were taken for emergency surgery and 15.6 % were elective.
CONCLUSIONS : In this study we came to conclusion that 3.7 % of cesarean sections requires ICU admission, most common cause being PPH and proper management of these cases require intense co-operation of the intensivist / anaesthetist and obstetrician.