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Comparison of two methods of gum elastic bougie aided endotracheal intubation using Airtraq video laryngoscope, A randomized controlled study
Department : anaesthesiology kasturba medical college,manipal
Dr Shiyad.M, Dr Prasad K.N
ABSTRACT : To compare endotracheal tube preloaded bougie assisted intubation through the guiding channel of Airtraq with that of insertion of bougie alone from the side of the mouth and subsequent intubation under Airtraq visualization.
METHODS : Patients were randomized into 2 groups – P and S. After induction of the patient with propofol and paralyzing with vecuronium, in group P, endotracheal tube (ET) with the bougie preloaded, was loaded to the guiding channel of the Airtraq®, bougie first passed into the trachea under vision and ET tube railroaded over the bougie. In group S, bougie was inserted from the side of the oral cavity into the trachea under Airtraq® visualisation, and the ET tube was railroaded over the bougie. If insertion of bougie found to be difficult, manoeuvres like external laryngeal manipulation, inclusion of epiglottis with the Airtraq® blade was used.
RESULTS : The median time for bougie insertion was 7.71 seconds in P group and 20.44 seconds in S group. The mean time taken for ET intubation was 14.68 seconds in group P and 29.10 seconds in group S. ELM was required in 5 and 11 patients in group P and S respectively.
CONCLUSIONS : Use of bougie preloaded into the ET tube or insertion of the same from the side under Airtraq visualisation provide clinically effective alternatives to achieve successful ET intubation. Time taken to achieve successful ET intubation is faster if the bougie is preloaded into the ET tube. ELM would help bougie advancement especially when it is advanced from the side under Airtraq® visualization.