Abstracts / Free Papers
Anaesthetic Management Of A Patient With Marfan's Syndrome Undergoing Anterior Maxillary Osteotomy - FOR PAPER
OBJECTIVES: Successful perioperative management of a 27 yr old male patient with Marfan's syndrome. Marfan's syndrome is a Autosomal dominant disorder of connective tissue. It manifests as skeletel, cardiovascular, pulmonary, central nervous system deformities, which is a challenge to Anaesthesiologist.
METHODS: We present a case of 27 yr old male patient with Marfan's syndrome with myxomatous Mitral valve prolapse, Moderate eccentric Mitral regurgitation undergoing Anterior maxillary osteotomy for Dentofacial deformity.
CONCLUSIONS :We successfully managed this case under general anaesthesia with adequate level of anaesthesia, haemodyanamic stability under general anaesthesia with judicious use of drugs, and careful monitoring of cardiovascular dynamics throughout the surgery. we extubated the patient after the complete recovery, and after patient was maintainig oxygen saturation levels on room air.Careful preoperative assessment and maintainning the hemodyanamic stability perioperatively were the main aims to avoid arrhythmias and hypovolemia in this patient. Maintaing adequate level of anaesthesia, avoiding hypoxemia, fluid management and appropriate antibiotics in perioperative period are necessary to maintain these kind of cases.