Abstracts / Free Papers
Safeguarding Surgeon And Patient During Transurethral Resection
Meenakshi Mission Hospital And Research Centre, Madurai.
INTRODUCTION: Transurethral resection of lateral wall bladder tumour under spinal anesthesia is difficult due to adductor contraction leading to potentially serious complications. A case series was done on 3 cases who came for lateral wall bladder tumour resection under spinal anesthesia augmented by obturator nerve block.
PERI OPERATIVE PERIOD: 70 yr old male with mass in right anterolateral wall underwent TURBT under spinal anesthesia & nerve stimulator guided obturator nerve block. 79 yr old male with mass in posterolateral wall underwent TURBT under spinal anesthesia & ultrasound guided obturator nerve block.
42 yr old male with mass in left side trigone & lateral wall underwent TURBT under spinal anesthesia & obturator nerve block with ultrasound & nerve stimulator guidance. USES OF OBTURATOR NERVE BLOCK: Surgeon comfort, facilitate maximum tumor resection, avoids complications due to obturator jerk
CONCLUSION: Successful obturator nerve block ablates obturator jerk and provides optimal operating conditions for the surgeon thereby facilitating almost complete resection of lateral wall bladder tumour. LATERAL WALL BLADDER TUMOURS
Dr S Lakshmi, HOD