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Role of tranexamic acid in hip replacement surgery: a randomized double blind placebo control study

Dr Vinothkumar R

Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science

ABSTRACT : : To study the efficacy of tranexamic acid in reducing blood loss and blood transfusion requirments in total hip replacemen

Background: Hip replacement surgeryis commonly associated with significant blood loss which sometimes requires blood transfusion.Tranexamic acid is a synthetic derivative of the amino acid lysine that exerts its anti-fibrinolytic effect through the reversible blockade of the lysine binding sites on plasminogen molecules. Tranexamic acid has been shown to be very useful in reducing blood loss and incidence of blood transfusion in a variety of surgeries.

Objective: To study the efficacy of tranexamic acid in reducing blood loss and blood transfusion requirments in total hip replacement.

Methods: A randomized prospective double blind placebo controlled study was conducted on 40 patients undergoing total hipreplacement. Two doses of 15mg/kg tranexamic acid was given to test group and control group received placebo. Perioperative blood loss and blood transfusion requirments were measured.

    Results: Tranexamic acid significantly reduced the perioperative blood loss and post operative transfusion requirments. Intraoperative blood was 435.25ml in test group versus 566.25ml in control group(P=0.006), postoperative blood loss was 206.25ml in test group versus 274.75ml in control group(P=0.001). post operatively 8 patients received blood transfusion in test group versus 15 patients received blood transfusion in control group(P=0.002). No complications were noted.

Conclusions: Tranexamic acid significantly reduced perioperative blood loss and post operative blood transfusion requirments. Tranexamic acid use was not associated with any complications or side effects. Hence tranexamic acid can be used effectively in replacement surgeries.

Keywords: Tranexamic acid, hip replacement, blood loss.