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Difficulties in Airway Management: Mathematical Approach for Optimisation of Cormack Lehane Grading Variation with Upper Lip Bite Test (ULBT) and Modified Mallampati Test (MMT).

Dr. Chaity Maji Dutta

Institute : Rajendra Instuitute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Ranchi.

ABSTRACT: To modify Cormack Lehane Grading and predicting difficulties in endotracheal intubation.

METHODS : This research analyzes the physical effects of a endotracheal obstruction in the airway of patients diagnosed with difficulty in airway management. In this case author has gone through 100 patients and subsequently after grading ULBT and MMT w.r.t. taking Cormack Lehane Grading as standard one, it is found that there is a difference in MMT and ULBT grading. But if we are taking the co-variance of standard deviations of Cormack Lehane data got from ULBT and MMT comparison, then standard deviations of Cormack Lehane data evolving a coefficient which is producing the modified Cormack Lehane grading which is optimising the error or non standardisation either of ULBT or MMT w.r.t. Cormack Lehane grading

RESULTS : It is very much evident from covariance analysis of the database that if Cormack Lehane grading is taken as standard one then MMT is better approach for intubation as Standard Deviations of data of MMT is less compared to ULBT w.r.t. Cormack Lehane grading. Subsequently covariance analysis is speculating the sub divisional parts of Cormack Lehane Grading, i.e. percentage of epiglottis visualisation.

CONCLUSIONS : Covariance analysis of the given database is predicting the percentage of epiglottis visualisation and predicting the edge of MMT over ULBT. Finally in this paper author calculated the modified Cormack Lehane grading which may help future anaesthetists to calculate degree of difficulties for intubation very easily.