Abstracts / Free Papers

Comparative evaluation of Right subclavian vein catheterisation using Supraclavicular vsInfraclavicular approach.

Dr K V Chandana

Institute : Rangaraya Medical College Kakinada

ABSTRACT : Infraclavicular approach of subclavian vein is widely used as compared to supraclavivularapproach.Recently,Supraclavicular approach is gaining prominence for its success rate in critically ill patients.The aim of the study is to compare the ease of catheterisation of Right subclavian vein using supraclavicular vsinfraclavicular approach and also analyse the rate of complications related to either approach.

METHODS : After institutional ethical committee approval,80 patients enrolled were randomely divided into 2 groups of 25 patients each.
In Group \'S\' Right subclavian vein catheterisation was performed using Supraclavicular approach.
In Group \'I\' Right subclavian vein catheterisation was performed using Infraclavicular approach.
Time taken to access the subclavianvein,Success rate of cannulation,No of attempts to cannulate the vein,Ease of guidewire and catheter insertion and any associated complications were recorded.

RESULTS : Results were analysed and tabulated using chi-square test and unpaired T-test.Data was represented as Mean SD and percentage.P value < 0.05 was considered significant.

CONCLUSIONS : Supraclavicular approach of Right subclavian vein catheterisation is superior over infraclavicular approach in view of less access time,successrate.less number of attempts.Both approaches were comparable in rate of complication.