Abstracts / Free Papers
Anaesthetic Management of choice for Insertion of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter
Institute : Meenakshi Mission Hospital &Reasearch Centre, Madurai
ABSTRACT : To find out the better choice of anaesthetic management of CAPD catheter insertion by open surgical method.
METHODS : CRF patients (61 cases) aged 9 to 92 years were posted for the procedure. All patients were evaluated giving importance to CVS status, RS, Renal parameters and Coagulation profile optimised and accepted under ASA II & III with High risk informed consent. Spinal anaesthesia was given to 46 patients, GA was given to 13 cases and epidural anaesthesia to 2cases. Vitals were vigilantly monitored. Introperative was uneventful.
RESULTS : GA was selected only in CVS compromised patients and children. Epidural Analgesia did not give much of relaxation and analgesia. Spinal anaesthesia provided good analgesia, relaxation and extended pain free period.
CONCLUSIONS : For CAPD catheter insertion, spinal anaesthesia is better choice as it-
1. Provides good analgesia and relaxation with appropriate dose
2. With fentanyl, level of analgesia increases due to neuroaxial spread
3. Extended postoperative analgesia >4 hrs
4. Cost effectiveness