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Nanotechnology is Revolutionizing medicine & Anaesthesia

Dr. Gopal Reddy N


Dr. N.Gopal Reddy, MD KIMS, NKP, Telangana State. Nalgonda

Technology is shrinking at a rather rapid rate. As a result, more and more advancements are taking place at the cellular, molecular and atomic level — at the nanoscale. With scientific understanding growing, it is becoming possible to engineer the smallest devices and applications to help in a variety of fields.
Nanotechnology is especially important to medicine because the medical field deals with things on the smallest of levels. Additionally, the small nano devices that are being developed right now can enter the body and treat and prevent diseases.

Nanobots: These smallest of robots could be used to perform a number of functions inside the body, and out. They could even be programmed to build other nanobots, increasing cost efficiency.
Nanocomputers: to direct nanobots in their work, special computers will need to be built.
Nanotweezers: These devices are designed to manipulate nanostructures. Nanotweezers are usually constructed using nanotubes.
Use of nanotechnology: Nanobots used in Cell repair, Drug delivery, Cancer treatment, Heart disease, Surgery , Nano –Anaesthesia, Implanting devices, Gene therapy, Stem cells, Bone repair, Imaging, diabetes control.
Nano blood many times more potent having all essential components including nano RBC.
Nano chips: Seizures control paralyzed Limb control, Disease prevention, prenatal natal-repair problems in the womb.
Medical monitoring Medical records: monitoring your own body systems, to send information to your health care providers.

Research: -provide the building blocks for the body.