Award Papers / Dr Kop's Award

“A Controlled,Comparative Dose Finding Study In Adult Patients Using75mg And150mg Oral Pregabalin For Attenuation Of Haemodynamic Response To Laryngoscopy And Tracheal Intubation”

Dr. Kaveramma.M.G

Dr.Gurudatt, Prof &HOD ,Dept of anaesthesiology


Pregabalin is a relatively new drug, whose effectiveness to attenuate the haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation has been researched in this study.

Materials and methods:

90 patients aged 18years to 40years of ASA Class 1, posted for elective appendicectomy surgeries under GA at Mysore Medical College & Research Institute were divided into 3 groups. 1).Group C (n=30), control (placebo) 2).Group P75(n=30), Pregabalin 75mg 3).Group P150(n=30), Pregabalin 150mg Patients were given the respective capsule orally one hour prior to induction.Randomisation by sealed envelope method.

Data collection:

1.Heart Rate(HR) 2.Systolic BP(SBP) 3.Diastolic BP (DBP) 4.Mean Arterial Pressure(MAP) at basal, 30 minutes , 60 minutes after drug/ after induction before succinylcholine/ 1,3 ,5, 10 and every fifteen minutes till the end of surgery after intubation. Propofol required, post- operative recovery, side effects were studied. Results analysed using SPSS 20 software - ANOVA and Student ‘t test, compared using ‘p’ value.


Statistically significant decrease observed in HR,SBP,DBP, MAP in both pregabalin 75mg and 150mg groups as compared to control group. However 150mg group had less haemodynamic changes compared 75 mg group.


RastogiBhawna et al in 2012 and AyyaSyamaSundar et al in 2011, concluded that Pregabalinobtunded the haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation.


150 mg of Pregabalin is more efficacious compared to 75mg in obtunding the haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation.