Award Papers / Dr Kop's Award

Does choice of anesthesia for caesarean section affect the neonate ? A prospective observational study

Dr ReenaNayar

St Johns Medical College hospital, Bangalore

Dr ReenaNayar , Dr JuiLagoo, Dr Chandrakala


To compare the neonatal apgar scores and umbilical cord blood values in neonates delivered via caesarean section under spinal and general anesthesia.


Two groups of 20 neonates each, delivered via LSCS from ASA ! and II Full term pregnant women were studied prospectively , Group 1 – Spinal Anesthesia, Group 2 – General Anesthesia . Apgar Scores at 1 and 5 minutes, Umbilical Cord blood PH, PCO2, PO2 , HCO3 values were recorded and compared . statistical analysis using SPSS, Independant sample T test .


i) Apgar at 1 minute Group 1 mean 8 , Group 2 –mean 8 (p value 1 –Not Significant)

ii) Apgar at 5 minutes Group 1 mean 9.12 , Group 2 mean 9 ( p value .154 not significant

iii) Umb PH Group 1 , mean 7.33 , Group 2 mean 7.32 ( p value . 46 not significant

iv) Umb PCO2 Group 1 mean 43.21, Group 2 mean 44.77 ( p value .577 not significant

v) Umb PO2 Group 1 mean 26.7, Group 2 mean 34.3 ( p value 0.001 , significant )

vi) Umb HCO 3 Group I mean 35.41 , Group 2 mean 22.5 ( p value . 33 , not significant

vii) Umb SO2 Group 1 mean 44.68 , Group 2 mean 58.59 ( p value .013 significant )


Though Spinal Anesthesia is a preferred modality for LSCS due to perceived maternal benefits, the literature on the effects on the neonates are equivocal. In our study , in the two groups , spinal and General anesthesia Only Umbilical Cord blood PO2 ,and SO2 were significantly higher in Group 2 ,viz general Anesthesia. .There was no difference in Apgar Scores ,Umbilical Cord blood PH , PCO2 and Bicarbonate values between the groups

Conclusion :

Our pilot study shows that general anesthesia results in marginally better oxygenation for the neonates . All other parameters are not significantly different