Award Papers / Dr Kop's Award
Does choice of anesthesia for caesarean section affect the neonate ? A prospective observational study
St Johns Medical College hospital, Bangalore
Dr ReenaNayar , Dr JuiLagoo, Dr Chandrakala
To compare the neonatal apgar scores and umbilical cord blood values in neonates delivered via caesarean section under spinal and general anesthesia.
METHODS :Two groups of 20 neonates each, delivered via LSCS from ASA ! and II Full term pregnant women were studied prospectively , Group 1 – Spinal Anesthesia, Group 2 – General Anesthesia . Apgar Scores at 1 and 5 minutes, Umbilical Cord blood PH, PCO2, PO2 , HCO3 values were recorded and compared . statistical analysis using SPSS, Independant sample T test .
RESULTS :i) Apgar at 1 minute Group 1 mean 8 , Group 2 –mean 8 (p value 1 –Not Significant)
ii) Apgar at 5 minutes Group 1 mean 9.12 , Group 2 mean 9 ( p value .154 not significant
iii) Umb PH Group 1 , mean 7.33 , Group 2 mean 7.32 ( p value . 46 not significant iv) Umb PCO2 Group 1 mean 43.21, Group 2 mean 44.77 ( p value .577 not significant v) Umb PO2 Group 1 mean 26.7, Group 2 mean 34.3 ( p value 0.001 , significant ) vi) Umb HCO 3 Group I mean 35.41 , Group 2 mean 22.5 ( p value . 33 , not significant vii) Umb SO2 Group 1 mean 44.68 , Group 2 mean 58.59 ( p value .013 significant ) CONCLUSIONS :Though Spinal Anesthesia is a preferred modality for LSCS due to perceived maternal benefits, the literature on the effects on the neonates are equivocal. In our study , in the two groups , spinal and General anesthesia Only Umbilical Cord blood PO2 ,and SO2 were significantly higher in Group 2 ,viz general Anesthesia. .There was no difference in Apgar Scores ,Umbilical Cord blood PH , PCO2 and Bicarbonate values between the groups
Conclusion :Our pilot study shows that general anesthesia results in marginally better oxygenation for the neonates . All other parameters are not significantly different