Award Papers / Dr Kop's Award

BIS values at loss of consciousness and return of consciousness and immediate post operative period in patients with Intracranial Space Occuping Lesions (ICSOL) vs patients posted for other neurosurgical procedures. Prospective, randomized, controlled, double blind study.

Dr.G E S Sravani

Rangaraya Medical College

1.Dr. G E S SravaniDr. B V Mahesh Babu.Dr. B Soubagya Lakshmi


The primary aim of our study was to determine whether BIS values recorded at loss and return of consciousness and in immediate postoperative period differ between patients with ICSOL and control patients.


we enrolled 30 patients with ICSOL and 30 patients posed for other neurosurgical procedures. BIS measurements were done during induction of anesthesia, during recovery of consciousness and in immediate 1st hour of post operative period.


The median BIS values recorded at loss of conscious, return of conscious, and 1st hour of post op period did not differ between both the groups while the demographic data are similar in both the groups.


There was no significant difference among BIS values recorded at the moments of transition of conscious state of among ICSOL and control patients. Hence the presence of ICSOL does not influence BIS values.