Award Papers / Dr Kop's Award
Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai.
Dr.Yuvaraj Shastri, DNB Resident
Chronic abdominal wall pain is frequently unrecognized or confused with visceral pain, often leading to extensive diagnostic testing and surgical interventions before an accurate diagnosis is achieved.
Case:A 34 -year-old woman with chronic abdominal pain underwent an array of investigations and surgical interventions with recurrence of pain. When she was admitted to hospital because of a flare up of pain, the pain clinic service was consulted. The presentation of pain that was reproduced by eliciting focal tenderness- Tinel’s sign over the course of ilioinguinal nerve made nerve entrapment a possible diagnosis. A diagnostic ilioinguinal nerve block was performed, resulting in complete relief of the pain which was later followed by radiofrequency ablation as a therapeutic intervention was performed.
Conclusion:Chronic abdominal or pelvic pain due to peripheral neuropathy can mimic visceral pain, presenting a diagnostic challenge which is often missed in the clinical settings. Diagnosis by careful history, examination and nerve blocks can avoid delay in managing these potentially treatable condition.