Abstracts / Posters

A case report of postoperative high output upper gastrointestinal tract fistula-- anesthetic and long term nutrional management in ICU.

Dr Honey B Parmar

Institute :

Abstract: Female, 55 yrs old presented with dysphagia since 3 months .CT scan Thorax showed sub mucosal polypoidal soft tissues lesion from floor of mouth to middle 1/3 of esophagus. She was operated for sub mucosal enucleation of Leiomyoma of esophagus via video assisted thoracotomy surgery under general anesthesia. On 5th post operative day (POD) mucus (500ml/day) was coming out of neck drain noted. 3 mm mucosal perforation at lateral esophageal wall with mediastinal collection was noticed on CT scan examination. Re exploration was done under general anesthesia.

Mediastinal wash with chest drainage tube, jejunostomy and esophageal stoma at cervical level were done. Esophageal stoma was covered with colostomy bag. Patient was shifted from ICU on 15th POD after off and on ventilator support, higher antibiotics, Total Parenteral Nutrition and adequate pain relief. Patient was discharged home with nasogastric tube feeding on 25th POD. After 2 months patient is on oral feeding.