Abstracts / Posters

One Lung Ventilation – The Challenging Task.

Dr. Jui Ashok Jadhav.

Institute : Mamata medical college.

INTRODUCTION: OLV that is the lung isolation technique is very challenging job for anesthesiologists because here aim is to maintain oxygenation irrespective of one nonfunctioning lung.

CASE REPORT: 70 yrs old male patient with right lower lung empyema with pleural fibrosis as evidenced from his detailed clinical history , examination and investigations like chest Xray.Preoperative assessment was done to check the ability of patient to withstand OLV, possible lung resection and postoperative outcome. GA with controlled ventilation using OLV was the plan while managing the case. Patient was intubated with 35 Fr. Size left sided double lumen ET tube. Aim was to ventilate both the lungs as long as possible to prevent hypoxia.

Atelectasis was maximized in the lung to be operated allowing it to collapse to improve surgical access. Denitrogenation was done and 100% oxygen provided before it was allowed to collapse. Successful decortication with empyemectomy was done and 100% saturation was maintained.

CONCLUSION: Under conditions of OLV even the complete atelectasis of one lung does not go along with considerable disorder of gas exchange.

This enables wider application of OLV for lung surgeries.