Abstracts / Posters
Anaesthetic Management of Achondroplasia Patient posted for Lower Limb Fracture
Institute : Konaseema Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation
ABSTRACT :Achondroplasia is a bone growth disorder causing disproportionate dwarfism. It is caused by mutation in the FGFR3 gene. In 80% , it is caused by spontaneous mutations & 20% inherited as Autosomal dominant. Clinical manifestation include short stature, short arms, disproportionately large head, decreased muscle tone, spinal stenosis, delayed walking, decreased intervertebral space, bowed legs.
METHODS : A 25 year old female 50 kg came with left femur fracture to our tertiary care teaching hospital and private medical college in costal Andhra pradesh , India in month of january. On examination she had delayed walking, edentulous, disproportionate dwarfism , large head .x rays revealed pathological fractures, decreased inter vertebral spaces.
RESULTS : We successful managed this patient under c arm guided spinal anaesthesia..