Abstracts / Posters

A case of Difficult Airway Managed with Oral Digital Intubation.

Dr. V S Senthil Kumar

Institute : MRMC, Gulbarga, Karnataka

ABSTRACT : To present a case of Difficult Airway Managed with Oral Digital Intubation

METHODS : Case Presentation

RESULTS : Difficult intubations can be managed in many ways but, oral digital intubation can also be useful in some rare situations.

CONCLUSIONS : Oral Digital Intubation may be a life saving tool and might help in situations where other gadgets have failed or not available.

Abstract A case of Difficult Airway that was managed with primitive intubation technique

A morbidly obese 49 years old patient weighing 145 kg presented with history of altered sensorium, decreased urine output for the past 3 days and one episode of seizure on the morning of admission. On examination patient was unconscious, icteric, with ascites, rigidity, brisk deep tendon reflexes and bilateral plantar extensor. He was diagnosed to have Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease with hepatic encephalopathy and hepatorenal syndrome.

Vitals: HR: 90/min, PP: 110/70 mmHg, RR: 20/min, SpO2: 93/min with venture mask 4L/min.

Investigations: Liver function test and renal function test values were elevated.

He also had severe ankylosis of cervical spine with fixed flexion deformity requiring two big pillows to support his hanging head due to ankylosis. Though difficult airway was predicted and available gadgets were kept ready fiberoptic bronchoscope was not available. Due to difficulty in intubation he was managed with oral digital intubation. Difficult intubations can be managed in many ways but, oral digital intubation can also be useful in some situations. This case is presented for its rarity, as it was managed by one of the earliest intubation technique.