Fourth scientific meeting was conducted on April 2012. Dr.Vasukinathan.M.D.,D.A. gave lecture on MONITORING IN ANAESTHESIA .The meeting conducted at VV Grant was attended by 45 members.
Fifth scientific meeting was conducted on April 2012. Dr.Vijay Anand. M.D.,D.A. gave a lecture on AN INTRODUCTION TO NEW AIRWAY DEVICE 'SALT'. The meeting conducted at VV Grant was attended by 60 members.
Sixth scientific meeting was conducted on June 2012. Dr.Jeyanthan gave a lecture on PERI OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH RENAL DISEASES. The meeting conducted at VV Grant was attended by 50 members.
Seventh scientific meeting was conducted on 31st July at VV Grant Hotel. The meeting was attended by 45 members. Dr.Retnakumar gave a lecture on PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST AN PRE-ANAESTHETIC ASSESSMENT
Our ISA Kanyakumari branch members participated in ISA South Zone Conference CASCO2012 and prented the following lectures in the CME programme.
Eighth Scientific meeting was conducted on 28th Sept at VV Grant Hotel. Associate Prof. of KGMCH Dr.Uthirapathy delivered a lecture on “Hypotensive Anaesthesia”..Meeting was attended by 54 members.