Abstracts / Free Papers

Author Title
Dr Indrani Chakraborty Mitra Tackling the pediatric difficult airway in planned surgery
Dr Jampala Karthikeya Comparision of different doses of dexmedetomidine with lidocaine for biers block.
Dr.Jaya Chandran S Anaesthetic Complications Associated With Cardiac Anaesthesia During Valve Replacement Surgeries: A Retrospective Analytical Study.
Dr.Jayanthi.C.N Randomised Controlled Trial Of Super-Hydration In Children Undergoing Tonsillectomy: Effect On Postoperative Vomiting
Dr JayashreeVenkatesan Comparative Study Of Hyperbaric Bupivacaine And Isobaric Ropivacaine In Turp Surgery In Geriatric Patients
Dr Jui YeshavantLagoo Percutaneous tracheostomy: an audit of 30 cases
Dr Jyothsna yadav c Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema : Case report
Dr Jyoti Sharma Comparative Evaluation Of The Incidence Of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia(VAP) In Intermittent Oral Suction Vs Continuous Subglottic Suction In Adult Neurosurgical Patient Requiring Mechanical Ventilation, A Randomized Control Trial
Dr Jyoti Rasalkar A Prospective, Double Blind, Randomised Control Trial Comparing Clonidine In Local Anesthetic Solution Versus Intravenous Route As An Adjuvant To Brachial Plexus Block In Upper Limb Orthopedic Surgeries
Dr Karampal Singh Comparative evaluation of blind endotracheal intubation through Intubating LMA and I-gel supraglottic airway
Dr Karuppiah Ramanathan A Study Of Different Doses Of Dexmeditomidine As An Adjuvant To Bupivacaine In Spinal Anaesthesia For Lower Abdominal Surgeries Objectives-To determine the effect of adding different doses of Dexmedetomidine to Bupivacaine for neuraxial anesthesia along with haemodynamic response and duration of effective analgesia.
Dr : Kavya M Comparative study of two doses of intrathecaldexmedetomidine as adjuvant with low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine in perianal surgeries
Dr Kevin Koshy Jacob T Spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery in von Willebrand disease
Dr KhageswarRaut Comparison of epidural ropivacaine and ropivacainedexmedetomidine combination for elective cesarean sections
Dr KolimiZeenath Begum Renal Transplantation-Anaesthetic Experience Of 106 Cases.
Dr Konduru Rayees Ahmed Effect of Low Molecular Weight Dextran And 6%Hydroxyethyl Starch 450 on Blood Sugar Levels During Surgery Under Spinal Anaestheisa
Dr Krishna Chaitanya B Comparison of efficacy of intraperitoneal instillation of localanaesthetics with various adjuvants for post-operative analgesia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
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